Spikemark Log Viewer
If you’re having trouble with a show (automation-wise, there’s nothing we can do about bad acting) and you’re not sure what happened during a cue or a sequence of cues, one of the first things you should do is check out the show log, using our fancy Silverlight-powered Log Viewer. This Silverlight viewer is web-based, so you launch it from a browser and then open your show file in it. Here’s the link to the viewer (don’t forget to bookmark it): http://garethconner.pairserver.com/logviewerapp The app is handy. An entry is created each time a motor changes state, a cue is run, or a link executes. The entry includes the name of the motor or cue or link, what happened and a time stamp. Reviewing these messages will help you narrow down what did (and didn’t) happen and hopefully speed up the troubleshooting process. You can quickly filter messages by typing a motor name, or part of a message in the search window. For example, to see only SL Wagon log entries just type “SL Wagon” into the search box. Or if you want to find a network connection problem type “Connection”. BTW, if you’re a geeky type, reviewing your show file is a great way to get to know SpikeMark from the inside. It’s really interesting to see exactly what SpikeMark does to make your show move.