The muscle that does the motion. Winches, Hoists, Lifts, & more.
Stagehands are the brains. They translate your design to movement.
Emergency Stop to keep you safe. Sensors, interlock, and remotes.
Sheaves, cables, parts, and pieces. The little things that make it move.
Move on Cue with Spikemark
Powerful and easy to learn automation software.
Stage elevator - 1000 lbs. at 14"/sec
Build your own machine
Center point of any turntable
Move wagons with a zero-fleet winch
Small versatile winch with built-in Stagehand
Spin any turntable
Pivot. Spin. Twist.
Variable speed programmable chain hoists
Fly 750 lb of scenery up to 36" per second
Compact hoist . Big possibilities.
Smallest hoist with Power and Data
Scale Model Automation Kit
No Cost Turntable Design
Automation Season Subscription
Automation For Your Whole Season with no capitol crunch.
We Wrote The Book on Automation
The Scenic Automation Handbook
Simple manual motor controller
All the power in a tiny package
I/O triggers by Spikemark
Control your stage hydraulics
Stagehand Pro
For all your vertical movement
Old Stagehands. New life.
Spikemark operator's desk
Where it all starts & STOPS
Handheld control with Spikemark
Integrate safety sensors in your machine
E-stop an additional 10 axis with a Hub
Low friction + low profile
Wire your venue for automation
Add height to your Floorpocket
Connect your wagon to our dog
Overhead spot lifting sheaves
Convert your Spotline to a deck winch