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Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks

Breathe new life into your automation investment. Upgrade the motion controller in your Stagehand Classic, Stagehand Pro, or Stagehand Apprentice’s to unleash new capabilities in your automation. 

This new architecture adds asymmetrical acceleration and deceleration, advanced motion capabilities, faster network performance, and richer VFD communication.

The new Stagehand card utilizes a superfast ARM based microprocessor and a powerful motion controller.  This new platform leap-frogs the the 20 year-old design of the previous generation motion controller.

Split Accel / Decel

Build cues with different ramp up and ramp down times, also called asymmetric acceleration and deceleration.

Your upgraded Stagehand lets you build complex cues with discrete acceleration and deceleration rates. Spikemark’s Movement Trajectory graph clearly displays the profile of the motion to help make the perfect cue fast.

Now your scenery will rev up quickly but glide to its target position with precision. Automated LED panels will gently kiss when they meet at center stage.Flying chandeliers will gracefully move out of sightlines before quickly moving to their final trim height.
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Super-size Display

The latest Stagehand card includes a large, 3.5″ x 1.73″, OLED display to show more details on a single screen. See the IP address, connection and limit status, faults, and more on a single screen.

New Brain. Same Case.

Upgrading requires your Stagehand to visit our RI factory. We’ll take care of the travel arrangements. 

Every Stagehand undergoes an initial diagnostic test to ensure everything is in working order. Once pre-op is complete we’ll get moving on any required case modifications and wire up the new card.  

Before your Stagehand heads back home our technicians will perform a factory functionality test, confirming motors spin, encoders count, sensors sense and data flows.  Once it passes all the tests, we’ll pack it up and ship it out to you.
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Big Bang For Your Automation Buck

Budget’s tight? Artistic demand high?  We’ve got you covered.

At roughly half the cost of a new Stagehand controller, upgrading brings critical performance features to your automation system while extending the life of your automation investment.

As an added bonus, while your gear is on the bench, our technicians will inspect the components, provide any recommended service advice and return to you a not-so-new but distinctly improved Stagehand.

What's Included?

Stagehand Pro Upgrades

Split Accel / Decel

Cue with asymmetric ramps and changes to acceleration mid-cue. Control the flow like never before.

Limit Override Buttons

Get unstuck from a limit during load-in with the push of a button. Spikemark notifications make it clear that the override is engaged.

Graphical OLED Display

See the name, address, and status of every Stagehand at a glance with a bigger, clearer display.

Read Load Cells Sensors

Perfect for Spotlines, Smart Chain Hoists, or Floorpocket lifts. Know the load of each axis throughout the move of a cue,

Stagehand Classic & Apprentice Upgrades

Split Accel / Decel

Cue with asymmetric ramps and changes to acceleration mid-cue. Control the flow like never before.

Limit Override Buttons

Get unstuck from a limit during load-in with the push of a button. Spikemark notifications make it clear that the override is engaged.

Graphical OLED Display

See the name, address, and status of every Stagehand at a glance with a bigger, clearer display.

$ 5650
Stagehand Pro Upgrade

Upgrade any generation of Stagehand Pro or Servo for advanced hoisting, flying, or lifting.

$ 3550
Stagehand Classic or Apprentice Upgrade

Upgrade Stagehand Classic or Apprentice for turntables and winches.

Included In Every Upgrade

It'll Arrive Safely
Packaging Material & Round Trip Shipping

Don't let the logistics get in the way. You'll receive packing cases for each of your Stagehands and a shipping label to get your gear back to our factory. Don't worry about budgeting for logistics.

Make Sure It's All Good
Initial Diagnostic Inspection Report

When your controller lands on our dock we'll run it through a complete functionality test. If your Stagehand is misbehaving before the upgrade begins we'll let you know and provide a quote for the repair.

You'll Be Good To Go
Post-Upgrade Factory Testing

Once the shiny new control card is installed, your Stagehand will pass a litany of connectivity, functionality, and performance test. When your Stagehand is returned you'll be ready to Make It Move.

Want a NEW Stagehand Pro?

If you need more than an upgrade, get the ultimate stage motion controller.

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