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Dedicated Spikemark Desk

Console is designed for performances that demand the most precise cueing and flexible playback control. It is the perfect desk for a hands on automation operator. Ideal for touring, permanant installations, and show-to-show changes of theatre.

Designed for cue creation, jogging, and dynamic playback environments. It combines a high performance PC with multi-use, data display Playback dials, soft-stop buttons, jog paddle, and hold-to-run dead man’s switch, the Console is the ultimate Spikemark desk.

Pre-configured Industrial PC

Console is powered by a PC with the optimal specifications and settings to power Spikemark software. It’s ready to connect multiple monitors along with a keyboard and mouse to dial in every detail from ramp speeds to cue sequences.

Console ships with a 27″ 4k monitor along with keyboard and mouse. It supports dual monitors if you need a bit more screen real estate for your show.
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Playback Dials

You’ll love the feel of physical buttons when running a Show. Twist the outer ring of a playback dial to adjust the speed of a cue — counterclockwise slows it down to 0 and clockwise speeds it up 2x. Double clicking on the bezel of the dial resets the speed to 100% of the written cue.

An LCD screen on the dial’s face displays critical information about the current playback, including the assigned playback number and speed, the loaded cue, and the status of any running or faulted cues.

Playback Display

  1. Playback Number sync with Spikemark display

  2. Playback Speed. Adjustable from 0 to 200%

  3. Loaded Cue

  4. Running Sequence Icon

  5. Faulted Sequence Icon

The colored ring around each playback dial will correspond to the playback color set in Spikemark.
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Jog Controls and E-stop

Jog motors into place either by speed or position using the joystick. Select the motor(s) you want to move, hold down the Jog button and move the joystick forward or reverse to Make It Move!

Console connects to Showstopper so you have an emergency stop button at your fingertips while running the show. Smash that big red button to halt all motion on stage in an instant.

A full-width button across the button of the desk can be configured either as Hold-To-Run or Soft Stop depending on operator presence. Require constant activation to enable motion, or press the button to gracefully abort a cue. An optional foot pedal mimics the buttons behavior while keeping the operator’s hands free.


Designed for Spikemark

Take full advantage of the power of Spikemark with Console. Motion programming is intuitive: think it, write it, no superfluous steps. At its core is a control program to design stage motion based on speed, timing, acceleration, and position. A simple user work space ensures every feature is at your fingertips and critical information is in clear view.

Build motion sequences with ease, while making the most out of

  • Motion Visulizer

  • Dynamic Spikes

  • Roles & Permissions Engige

  • Free and Locked Groups

  • Speed Limited Zones

  • Show Control  & Media Server Integration

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  • Console Dims:17.5”W x 12.25”D x 6”H

  • Overall Dims with monitor+keyboard: 21.25”W x 30”D x 18”H

  • Supports dual 4K monitors. Ships with one monitor.

  • Adjustable IP address and subnet mask

$ 18130

Dedicated Spikemark operator's desk. Ships with monitor and keyboard.

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