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Showstopper 4 is the heart of your emergency stop system.

Built from industrial safety-rated components, Showstopper 4 ensures all motion halts at the press of a button.  To operate, every Stagehand must receive a green-light signal from Showstopper.

Showstopper Base

Where it all begins. The mothership. E-stop Grand Central Station. Showstopper 4 Base is a rack-mountable device that powers the emergency-stop contactors of up to 10 Stagehands.

Showstopper Base also connects up to three accessory devices to expand your emergency stop topology. Add in Remote e-stop buttons, a Showstopper Consolette, Showstopper Hub, and lots more.

All this packed in a snug 2U rack-mountable case.

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2-Channel Activation
Redundant Safety Circuitry
Failure Detection
Self Monitoring
Beyond Industry Standard
SIL-rated Safety Relay
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All Clear for Take Off

If your stage automation was an Apollo space mission, the Showstopper 4 system is mission control giving a Go/ No-Go for take off.

A green light means you're good for take off. A No-Go aborts the mission and nothing moves.

Who Goes There?

Showstopper ID

Is the e-stop button in the trap room pressed? How about the grid? No need to wonder (or wander), Showstopper 4 can tell you the status of every emergency stop button in your venue.
Each button has a unique, configurable identifier to take the guesswork out of recovering from an emergency stop. Every ID can be named in Spikemark then grouped and organized however you desire to make it quick and easy to pinpoint the problem.
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Big Show?

We're going to need a bigger boat

Each Showstopper 4 Base can connect to up to ten Stagehand controllers. Need more? No problem, each Showstopper 4 E-Stop Hub can connect up to ten more for easy expansion of systems needing dozens to hundreds of controllers.
Want to add more Showstopper 4 Remote E-Stops or control points for Pendant or Stage Manager? With Showstopper 4 Accessory Hub you can branch out to six more accessories, so you can keep branching, and branching, and branching…

4 Key Components

Showstopper Base, Consolette, Hubs, and Remotes. Together these components create a safe environment throughout your venue — giving your operators the control needed to protect performers, crew, and scenery.
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Showstopper Remote

Need to keep an eye on things remotely? Showstopper 4 Remote E-Stop puts a button anywhere. The 3-gang faceplate design can be used for surface mount, or flush mount applications. And yes, the all get ID’s so you can keep track of all your buttons.

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E-Stop Hub

When you need to connect more than 10 Stagehands to the emergency stop system, Showstopper Hub lets you expand. Showstopper Hub provides 10 more emergency stop outputs. And you can expand even further by simply adding more Showstopper Hubs to the system.

Simple – Plug your Showstopper Hub into an open accessory port on your Showstopper Base, and you’re ready for 8 more Stagehands.
Expandable – In addition to the accessory port for tying into your Showstopper Base, the Hub also has an additional accessory port for adding on additional Hubs or Remotes.
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Accessory Hub

Let your e-stop system grow as needed with additional Remote e-stop buttons, Control Connections, and E-Stop Hubs. Whether you a setting up a large temporary installatoin and need plenty of remotes scattered throughout your venue or you’re planning to permanently install an automation controls system and need multiple e-stop branches for the grid, front of house, trap room, stage level, and anywhere…an Accessory Hub let’s your system keep growing.

Want to add a Showstopper to your Show?

Connect with an automation expert now.

$ 1525
Showstopper Remote

Add an E-stop button where you need it. Place it wherever you have line-of-sight.

$ 3725
Showstopper 4 Base

The must-have emergency stop component for all automation

$ 4090
Showstopper Hub

Stop 10 additional Stagehands with E-Stop Hubs.

Want to Rent a Showstopper?

Rent any of the Showstopper components when you need it.


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